
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! If you didn’t know, I have been in Georgia for a little over 2 weeks now! There has been a lot of processing in these past couple weeks with the adjustment and a lot of growth. Starting now, I am going to try to stick to a weekly blog while I am here in Georgia. In this first blog I am mostly going to give a run down of what our day to day looks like. There is so much I could get into about faith and God’s beautiful power and the work He is doing, but I know you all want to know what it looks like from a day view, so I am writing this first.

I also have some very exciting news! In October, we will be road tripping to Louisiana to serve for a week! I am so excited for this opportunity and God has blessed us with this time to minister to those outside of our campus! I’ll have more on that later, but here is my daily schedule. 


6:30 – Wake up


I have been trying to wake up by no later than 6:30. I have been sleeping in my tent, but I have also been sleeping in friend’s hammocks because I realized how wonderful they can be. It is getting cooler at night though and the tent is now becoming the better option. When I wake up, I quietly sneak through the campsite and find a quiet place to sit with the word. I read through, scripture, journal, or sit in God’s presence or in the presence of others. This is a way for me to start my day off right and give myself time to get in the right mindset. 


8:00 – Breakfast


At 8 o’clock we have breakfast in the pavilion. This is a large slab with an overhang. Meals have been such a blessing. The cooks do a great job and the meals are great. It has been an adjustment from how much I usually eat at home, but God has been so good in helping me surrender things such as this. 


9:00 – Devotion


After we have breakfast, we have devotion time for an hour. This is led in different ways each day. Some examples are large scripture reading, Psalm rewrites, deep dives with our squad and another squad, and other forms of connecting to God’s word and His presence. During this time, I have found peace in walking through the woods of the campus while talking to God out loud. Something I am glad I realized I needed.


10:00 – Lesson or Worship


At 10:00 we go inside to a room upstairs. This is where we have a lesson from very wise teachers and it has been such a blessing to be able to hear all their knowledge. Some days we just have a lesson during this time, but other days we also have worship. Worship has been so powerful here; a way of worship I didn’t even know I needed. One of the first nights, when we barely knew each other, everyone was loudly rejoicing in wonderful harmony. It was really moving. We have a lot of musical talent on our squad and I am so grateful for them all.


12:30 – Lunch


1:30 – Rotations / Free time


After lunch, we have rotations. The rotations are squad time, exercise, cleaning, laundry, and showers. We have got into the routine of these rotations now and we exercise twice a week, clean twice a week, laundry once a week, and shower almost every day now. Yesterday, I got the privilege to lead a workout with part of the squad. Everyone had a great attitude through it all and it was lots of fun. I have been spending a lot of time with the community here. Having a great community here has been such a blessing that I have never had, but it has also been important for me to tune down my excitement at times when God wants me to be with Him instead. I am reminded that I need to pour in before I can pour out. 


5:30 – Dinner


6:30 – Team time


This is a scheduled time where we get to come together with our team at the end of the day and go through different things. My teammates have became strong brothers in Christ and God is working through them in great ways. Once team time is over we have the rest of the night to chill out. Free time consists of card games, spikeball, and conversations.


10:00 – Bedtime


By 10:00 it is supposed to be quiet hours and that is usually around when I go to bed. 

Showers- Showers for the first two weeks were with a cold bucket in these little huts. Despite what you may think, I enjoyed this time for a couple reasons. One, because the heat made it feel nice to use cold water. Two, the top of the walls are cut out and all us guys get to have bonding time and sing to Justin Bieber and all that good stuff.

Bathrooms- Our bathrooms are porta potties. We have assigned potties in different places on the campus and I have gotten used to this reality. I am thankful to have them.

Laundry – We hand wash laundry in buckets once a week. I have done it once so far, and even though it is a lot more work, it has built character and has brought about good lessons. However, I definitely have been rewearing clothes more to have less to clean on those days. Smell is something our squad gets through together. 


Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. I love you all, and I am excited to continue blogging and bringing to light all the work God is doing in this world. I hope to be able to storytell in a way that glorifies God and helps me fall more into a role of a vessel for His love. Thank you all again and I miss you all back home!


7 responses to “Daily Schedule and Big News!”

  1. Samson it is so great to hear that you’re learning you need to be poured into first before you can pour out into others… a lesson many of us forget to learn or go through it the hard way. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time and thankful I get to see you around campus every now and then!

  2. Hi Samson, I know you don’t know me personally, but I’m in a small group with you gramma Karen and grandpa Gordon. I loved reading your blog and hearing your incredible experience in such a short period of time. You are so wise beyond your age. God is so upper most in your life and you can hear and fill the love you have for the Lord. What a blessing he fills when he spend quiet time with him and he sees how passionate you are about this adventure he has set your feet upon. May your days continue to be filled with smiles, love and knowing God is walking this journey with you.

  3. Hi Samson – Good to hear from you! I appreciate hearing about your day, except the thought of the cold showers makes me shiver. The Lord is certainly working in you in ways that will be revealed in His time and for His purpose. I love how positive and dedicated you are to serving God’s people. Will look forward to your posts. Philippians 1:6 Sending you lots of love, Gramma Jean

  4. Hey Samson: Those cold showers reminds me of Honduras. I never did get too clean that week. Glade to hear you are going to Louisiana. I have the best secret for you that is going to make your taste buds jump for joy. Many years ago Madison and I went to Louisiana on a mission trip just like you will be doing. If you have the chance, eat at a restaurant and have CLAYFISH. Madison ate them also. Clayfish taste just like a Whitey’s mike shake. What a treat they are. Loved your blog. LOVE YOU

  5. Samson, such a delight to read your uodate! I too appreciate your desire to keep yourself fueled first! Very wise and very mature concept. You are living the following verse; “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”. Ecclesiastes 9 :10. I know God has a journey planned out for you, and He will never forget you. Trust that He is ahead of you and that He will use every single one of your steps for your good and for His purposes. Anchor yourself to that promise Samson. I appreciate knowing your schedule so will pray accordingly.

  6. Hi my sweet Samson. What a wonderful, newsy update of your adventure! I especially appreciate your positive attitude, especially in the midst of what could be considered negative conditions. I was moved by your insight into needing to be poured in before we can pour out. I am joy filled when I picture you walking in the woods talking out loud to God. Much love and cyber hugs, Grams